
Customers Complaints

Send your Complaint here

At Jordan Kuwait bank we constantly strive to maintain a strong relationship with our customers and provide them with superior banking services. If you have any complaint that you wish to submit to the bank’s management, please contact Customers Complaints Unit in the Head Office by the following ways:

Over the phone, on the direct number 06-5629404, or on the Toll-free number 080022200 during office hours.

By email, to the Complaints Unit email [email protected]

In writing, write to Jordan Kuwait bank / Complaints Unit at P.O BOX 9776 Amman 11191 Jordan 

In person, you can visit our Jordan Kuwait Bank Head Office

Online, you can use the following complaint form:

Please note that processing the complaint will take ten working days subject to be extended to a maximum 30 working days. If you are not satisfied with our respond to your complaint you can resort to judicial proceedings or the Central Bank of Jordan by using the following means:

  • Contact the Consumer Protection Department at the Central Bank of Jordan phone no. 0096264330301
  • Via the Central Bank website
  • Send an email to [email protected]
  • Personal visit to the Central Bank Building and its branches in Irbid and Aqaba