


Metallic comprehensive coverage for vehicle protection for vehicles of 30,000 JD to 50,000 JD value.


  • Substitute car for 5 days, once a year only for any covered claim, with a maximum limit of JD 50 per day and JD 200 annually, subject to providing a police report.
  • Airbags coverage in case of a covered claim.
  • Compensation payment within 5 working days from handing in all invoices and full documents related to the accident.
  • Coverage against natural hazards and losses due to snowfall and its accumulation.
  • Zero deduction in the event of any covered claim for the first time only, for subsequent covered claims the insured shall bear JD 50 (subject to sales tax) for each & every claim.
  • Coverage for CD, DVD, and stereo players up to JD 500 annually in case of any covered claim.
  • Covering 100% of the new mechanical parts in case of a covered claim after considering depreciation being 6% for each year maximum 36% as of the first year of manufacture.
  • The insured is granted a 5% discount of the police’s net premium (subject to policy renewal with GIG – Jordan).

 Additional Coverage:

  • Vehicle repair at dealership/Agency service center for an additional premium of JD 75
  • Exemption of depreciation rate for new parts with an additional 15% on the total premium subject to vehicle not exceeding 3 years old
  • - 5% discount on premiums if more than one vehicle is insured under Metallic and Grand Metallic programs


  • 2.7% applied to Gas vehicle’s / Hybrid vehicle’s Value. 
  • 3% applied to Electric vehicle’s value.

For more information

please call the Bancassurance department at 06-5629400 ext. 2059/2053

* This program is subject to GIG - Jordan Company’s standard policy terms, conditions, and exclusions.